Project overview


The Product:

Customs bakery is a mobile ordering app for a bakery.


Project Duration:

June'22 - July'22


The Problem:

There was not a single bakery app for ordering the bakery products online


The goal:

The goal was to develop a mobile ordering app for a bakery so that the working professionals can order the bakery products online and people with sugar can enjoy variety of bakery products


My Role:

My role was to built a hi-fi prototype for the bakery app.



The types of responsibility included UX research, wireframing and prototyping.

Understanding the Users

In this project, we took the goal oriented approach and found modulated research method to be the best fit for this project. Started out by writing few question regarding the project.

  • "What is the product?"
  • "Who are my users?"
  • "What challenges could we face moving forward?"
  • User research summary

    The Experience of UX research was fantastic. We conducted a modulated research survey for the bakery app.

    The assumptions were the user will easily find the login page, but at the time of research we found that there were few bugs in the prototype.

    We assumed that the Online payment only will work, but during the study we came to know that people also wanted that the app should have a Cash on delivery option

    Pain Points

    Pain point one

    People wanted an app through which they can order cake online.

    Pain point two

    There was not a single bakery having an online app and has a range of sugar free products.

    Pain point three

    There were not much combos for small party available.

    Meet the Users

    User one
    User Two

    Competitive Analysis

    We looked for the competive bakery owners but none of them directly competed to Customs bakery.

    In my competive audit I found that not many of the bakery was having it's own dedicated mobile ordering app.

    The main differences I noticed between competitors are:

  • Customization for cakes was not an option.
  • There were no sugar free items available in the bakry.
  • Other bakery items like donuts and baugettes were not available.
  • The range of bakery fast food was very less.
  • Preparing the Journey

    Journey map

    User Journey Map

    User Journey Map

    Paper Wireframes

    Paper wireframes gave us a basic structure for our Customs bakery app.

    Digital wireflow [Lo-Fi Prototype]

    Lo-Fi Prototype


    After creating the digital wireframes, I did a basic usability test for the app. The feedbacks from the users are following...

    "There should be a Cash on delivery option"

    "I want to login through my phone number"

    "There should be a offers page & there should be coupon section"

    "I want sugar free items"

    "I want Customization for my cake"

    "There should be a filter section in the app"

    "There should be more bakery items like cupcakes and muffins"

    "How can I add toppings to my cake?"

    Refining the designs

    Front page Redesign
    Cart page Redesign

    Features added after usability studies.

  • - Customization of cake option added to the app.
  • Customization
  • - Customization for each cake.
  • Customization



    This was my first design project as UX Designer. To be honest I fully enjoyed it and there were many take aways from this project journey.

    First of all I learned how a design process goes, first starts from emapthizing with the users then defining the goal to ideation and then prototyping the product and at last testing the product in real world.

    During this project journey, I not only improved my design skills but also learned how to conduct surveys, how to empatize with user, got to know about how user-centered design looks like.

    Let's Connect

    Always up for collaborations. Linkedin

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