Design Engineering Project

- "Desgin Engineering" is a two-year long team project in which we have to select a real world problem and try to solve it.

- This project gave us a chance to collaborate with the peers.

- we were motivated to make a prototype that can be implemented in real life.


- When we were in our First Semester, we have faced a lot of direction issues inside campus as the college campus is inter-connected and also we were new.

- So as a team it was our chance to come up with some solution for this problem.

- During our FYI we noticed that every 4 out of 5 student was having difficulty finding his/her respective class.

Initial Research

- Initially we read some research papers about what people have tried to overcome the same problem.

- This gave us a context of what and how we have to approach our problem statement.

Technologies used worldwide

First we listed out all the technologies used worldwide

BLE Beacons
Infrared Systems
Camera Based
Ultra Wide Band
Sound Based
First Prototype
First Prototype Image

"The map should include all the buildings of the college campus"

"The UI of the website can be improved"

"There should a map on top of the website which makes easy for a person to locate himself"

"The map is not working for some building blocks"

Final Prototype After changes in MAP
Final Prototype Image
Final Product Demo

This was my first project as a Team Leader. The harmony between me and my team was oustanding.

we were very excited from the beginning as we were going to solve a problem which we faced during our first year.

There is still a lot to learn about this technology and we'll surely be updating this website as the time passes.

Future Aspects

In future We'll be working on the User Interface to make it more friendly and aesthetic.

The A* Algorithm takes makes much load on the browser due to many iteration while finding the route which eventually stops the website after 2-3 use and then one has to refresh the page. So next we'll look into optimizing the code.

We've reached half the goal, we still want to add Live Tracking to make it more accurate and usable.

Always up for collaborations. Linkedin

Portfolio made by me with ❤